Suck It Up Buttercup!!
/My right foot…
Nine weeks ago, a client’s horse lost its balance in a spook, fell over, and crushed my foot. This is not about that per se. Horses fall sometimes (as do we) and generally everyone is fine. This was just one of those “dang it” moments where the stars did NOT align.
Certainly, I have had a few moments of enlightenment in the last several weeks. Some of that has been about saving my body for my own horses. It just makes sense. I have a couple of nice horses to enjoy and I am not getting younger. A cause for pause…
I’ve also been unable to write, although I love it and generally thrive on “pen” time. I’ve felt unmotivated for it, as if the broken have nothing to say. It’s dumb. A broken foot does not equal a broken brain… I don’t know why that connected like that. It is like saying that because I no longer jump horses that I have nothing to say about that…but I do… I can only attribute it to my trusty British emotional wall. No feelings = no feelings of loss or unhappiness. Indeed, I have coursed through these weeks with acceptance of pain and waiting. I have to come up with a better plan for my next down time. Waiting is fine for a restaurant but not for life. I am sure there will be more down times as I move closer to the “lights out” phase of life. Better plans next round! Otherwise, you only wait to get older…dumb idea.
Actually, the biggest thought process currently is on fitness. I have been non-weight bearing on my right foot all this time. I have not ridden, run, hiked, or worked out in all this time. I have sat on my duff more in the last nine weeks than is the previous 9 years. I am a wreck and unfit. Well shit.
As a former marathon runner, I am familiar with bumping up work outs and dealing with soreness and moving up levels of fitness. I am not familiar with taking this plunge from the beginnings of “slugdom.” So here I go, learning new information to help those who are in the “slugdom” category as well.
I know that the beginnings of a fitness regime can feel like drudgery and progress is often slow or shrouded with thoughts of “does this donut really matter?” I am not at all confused about this needing my focus. As a “not exactly young and limber” beaten body headed into the trenches of the fitness Gods, I am about to get a good dose of how to start at Ground Zero.
I am taking it straight from the Training Pyramid:
· Rhythm & Tempo: Get in the pool and water jog (SO boring! But, fixed my herniated disc pain years ago…)
· Suppleness: Get in Pilates again. It is fantastic for muscle equality and not as painful as Yoga!
· Contact: Weight machines! Free weights! Build mass to support your structure. A few personal trainer moments could be useful here.
· Impulsion: Get on the treadmill, bike, or stair step machine and work on breathing. It must have a rhythm and flow (while you sweat)
· Straightness: Barre class is a must for balance and alignment over your feet.
· Collection: Ride, ride, ride. Work on your own self-carriage and find amazing happiness again.
If you are also a fledgling athlete then please join me. Let’s motivate each other and those around us. I plan to create a better body this go around. My boys (the horses and the dog) will be benefitted by a happier, longer living (to provide pets, snacks and treats), and fitter (not in the way all the time) healthy mom.
I bought the wet suit top…hey, the pool is cold…and I am on it. Taking the plunge. Join?